Khalifa resigned on Wednesday after The Times, which initially revealed the social media posts, approached IRW. Source: Charity leader resigns after calling Jews ‘grandchildren of monkeys, pigs – The Jerusalem Post
Category: CSFD News
News concerning Biblical Last Days events from around the world.
Morocco: ‘Penal code holds that all Moroccans are Muslims, so converts to Christianity face threats’
Source: Morocco: ‘Penal code holds that all Moroccans are Muslims, so converts to Christianity face threats’
Katie Hopkins: “Islam Is Overthrowing My Country from Within”
The latest on the immigration/civilization jihad in the UK, from Katie Hopkins. Source: Katie Hopkins: “Islam Is Overthrowing My Country from Within”
i24NEWS – Greenblatt: US wants Israel to earmark land for future Palestinian state
Ex-US Middle East envoy stresses Trump’s plan commits Israel to allocating lands for Palestinians Source: i24NEWS – Greenblatt: US wants Israel to earmark land for future Palestinian state
Huge Kingdom of Judah government complex found near US Embassy in Jerusalem | The Times of Israel
Among the 2,700-year-old finds: 120 inscribed seal impressions on jars at storage facility holding food collected as taxes for kings Hezekiah, Menashe in First Temple times Source: Huge Kingdom of Judah government complex found near US Embassy in Jerusalem | The Times of Israel
Islamic State to Indian TV channel: “We invite you to convert to Islam or get ready to say goodbye to the world”
Source: Islamic State to Indian TV channel: “We invite you to convert to Islam or get ready to say goodbye to the world”
Palestinian Authority arresting Palestinians for endorsing Israel’s assertion of sovereignty
Source: Palestinian Authority arresting Palestinians for endorsing Israel’s assertion of sovereignty
Iranians Mock General Salami’s ‘Magnetic Coronavirus Detection Machine’
Iranians have mocked the claims of General Hossein Salami that scientists have invented a secret magnetic coronavirus detection machine. Source: Iranians Mock General Salami’s ‘Magnetic Coronavirus Detection Machine’
U.S. General: War with Israel Would Be ‘Great Mistake’ for Hezbollah
Source: U.S. General: War with Israel Would Be ‘Great Mistake’ for Hezbollah
Turkey vows to ‘liberate Al-Aqsa’ after turning Hagia Sophia to mosque – The Jerusalem Post
The resurrection of Hagia Sophia heralds the Liberation of the Al-Aqsa mosque, the Turkish Presidency website says. Joseph Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries teaches how the Old Testament Prophet Daniel foretold the Abomination of Desolation is the Dome of the Rock, and can be proven using scholarly Biblical eschatology. See part two here: …