If CoronaVirus COVID-19 is God’s Judgement, God Has Judged All Churches Should Be Closed.
Watch the video above and join Pastor Joseph Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries as he takes on the question everyone is asking “Is the CoronaVirus COVID-19 God’s Judgement for our sinful ways?” You’ve probably never heard a pastor give such a straight and Biblical answer. For more info visit TeachingFaith.com
What’s my personal prayer and hope for millions of Christians around the world? That they take this time of CoronaVirus COVID-19 quarantine to go online and find the voices in the wilderness that God has sent to preach His word. The way He meant it to be preached. The unadulterated truth of the Gospel message without the twists and spins put on it by the industrialized, money making, man pleasing “Christian teachers” in the world today.
Chances are you’ve never heard the Gospel preached by a God sent preacher. You’ve been smothered your entire Christian lives by the self-proclaimed sent preachers that were indoctrinated in false gospel by the same curriculum taught in Seminary’s and Bible Colleges across the land.
Those are BUSINESSES folks, paid to crank out talking heads that believe they are God inspired.
Take the time to watch the video above, and see if you can hear a difference between it, and the kind of preaching you’re used to.

For those of you who may be searching for a relationship with Jesus Christ, I highly suggest the instructions given on Faithing.com
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God Bless Us All!