Pre-Tribulation Rapture Debunked In Less Than 3 Minutes
Okay, let me get this straight about the Pre-tribulation rapture theory.
The pre-tribulation rapture must occur so God’s children are not hit by God’s wrath in the Great Tribulation, because God can’t let his wrath hit Jesus (who resides in his children on earth), a second time. Does that about sum it up?
Well, I got a real problem with this scenario. It has to do with the Second Coming of Jesus occurring at the last trump, the Seventh Trumpet blast. In order for there to be a “Pre-Trib” rapture we have to believe Jesus comes back not one more time, but two more times. The first time, they say, is at 7th and last trump blasting, he comes down quietly (never mind the trumpet blast) and gathers the dead and living saints into the air with him, then he takes them on a seven year vacation while Daniel’s 70th week plays out, which includes, somehow after the 7th trumpet, the first Six Trumpet events and the Great Tribulation. Only then, does Jesus return for the SECOND time with no trumpet blast to announce his arrival.
What do the scriptures say about this? Let’s look at what the Apostle Paul has to say on the subject:
1 Corithians 15:51-52 (KJV) “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
Well that’s odd, Paul says “at the last trump” the dead and the living will be raised and changed. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t the “Last Trump” mean AFTER all the other trumpets have blown? Which includes the so called “Great Tribulation“. Hmmmm.
Paul goes on to tell us:
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (KJV) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Are we to suppose the Thessalonians event and the Corinthians event are somehow different? Does Jesus come back two different times to collect the dead and living saints? Both times at the sound of a trumpet blast? Are we to suppose the trumpet blasts we’re hearing are some other trumpet blasts not mentioned anywhere in the Biblical record? No, of course not.
Here from the Man Himself Jesus Christ:
Matthew 24:38-39 “For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Did you catch it? The saving of God’s people from His wrath occurs at the coming of the son, typified here as entering the Ark (Christ) before the wrath of the flood.
John 6:44 “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” What’s that say?! “raise him up at the LAST DAY!” Not 7 years before the last day!
And finally, a little logic problem for you to work out.
What happens at the rapture? ALL THE CHRISTIAN’S ARE REMOVED FROM THE PLANET. So pray tell me, who are the people in Revelation 7:14 “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”? What “Christian’s” will be persecuted for 7 years AFTER THE RAPTURE in numbers like has never been seen before? I mean, you do know Islam has slaughtered 100’s of millions of Jews and Christians already right? In fact, at this very moment, Christian’s are the most persecuted people in the world.
Are you ready to understand the problem with the scriptures not lining up to the Pre-Trib doctrine thinking? It’s really very simple to explain, and, the answer is the key to unlocking the entire Book of Revelation.

The Book of Revelation was written to, for, and about the Jewish Christians in the land of Israel. This is made clear in Chapter one. Jesus chose the Apostle John (who was assigned along with Peter and James to preach to the Jews. Galatians 2:9), and addressed the seven letters to the seven Messianic Jewish churches throughout what was then called Asia, known today as Modern Turkey. All the events and prophecies in the book are aimed at the peoples, and the geography of the Middle East region, with the Jews, and the land of Israel taking center stage. Ground Zero if you will.
Now with that in mind, you can see how the “Great Tribulation” has, in most part, already occurred. Why? Because it was directed at the Jewish peoples, who were nearly annihilated from existence, and are still in the cross hairs. The rest of the world outside of the Middle East is somewhat affected by the events, but is largely a bystander watching on, with the exception of the USA and Britain who are helping to protect them. Over there.
There you have it.
Well except for this, it’s time to come to the realization the End Times doctrine that’s preached and believed by most of Christianity is a myth. A deliberate ploy by Satan to redirect the last days church to be asleep at the wheel when Jesus returns. This is why I follow my pastor Joseph Cortes, in calling it, “The Christian Science Fiction Doctrine”.
I’m going to leave you with two sermons that will demonstrate the two points I made here. 1. Who was the Book of Revelation written to, and 2nd, Tracing the historical origins of today’s Last Days false doctrine to its source.
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The Last Days Pt 124 -To Whom Was The Book Of Revelation Addressed?
The Last Days Pt 2 – End Time Doctrinal Myths
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Addison B Bachman
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GREAT , Until you start talking revelation being for them there and to them .. sorry you dont even know who they are at this point … the state of israel is NOT the same as the house of israel , and if you truly are grafted in , then YOU ARE ISRAEL , and if your paying attention since a lot has happened sense you wrote this article , then you should know that we are in or about to be living through tribulations such as NEVER has been seen . and the world will be facing the choice that prove who they truly are . the MARK is oh so close . and have you any understanding of this . shalom
My goodness where do I start.
I do know who “they” are. The State of Israel is not a people. It’s a place on the map. The House of Israel are the Lost 10 tribes that fled Israel to become the founders of Great Britain, and then the United States. The House of Judah (where we get the name Jew) remained and are the people who came under the curse of the “Great Tribulation” that started in 70 AD at the siege of Jerusalem and ended in 1948 when God returned the state of Israel back to the Jews as promised.
I guess you agree there is no Pre-trib rapture since you claim we’re about to go through the Great Tribulation.
You’re very confused about this topic. You conflate things that have nothing to do with the other.
Here’s a few links you might want to visit.
The Great Tribulation Hoax
Daniel’s 70th Week a Seven Year End Time Fantasy
Jacob’s Trouble
Psalm 83 – Who are the Hidden Ones?
God bless you Shayne!
There are multiple resurrections and raptures. Read Rev and look who is in the thrown room of GOD before the first seal is open, whom is there as satan is cast down… Hint everytime a new group sings a new song is a new arrival to the thrown room of God.
You are making a big assumption. It makes sense that there are twenty four elders seated on thrones before the seals are opened makes sense, since in Christ have already been raised up and are seated with Him in heavenly places. Not to mention the fact that the writer of Hebrews tells us that we have already come to Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem, and the church of the firstborn, in spite of the fact that it isn’t mentioned until after the bowls of wrath. And what is interesting is that the souls under the altar end up reigning with Christ a thousand years, with no mention of the Church participating in that reign. It is clear for anyone who believes God’s Word, that there is one resurrection on the last day, which means that the multiple resurrection in Revelation, an apocalyptic and highly symbolic book, are descriptions of the same resurrection from different points of view.
I was once a pre trib sheep until a Lutheran minister boldly told me for the first time in my life that there was no rapture.
Huh????? I went to my Bible to rally up the handful (an entire doctrine based on a handful of scattered verses) of scripture to prove him wrong, and somehow the scales fell off my eyes as I read for myself NO there is NOT a pre trib rapture.
Yet people that claim they follow Jesus REFUSE to know the truth. A doctrine based on a secret revelation that just appeared a few hundred years ago? Hmmm. Sounds fishy, similar to the Joseph crowd doesn’t it?
Yes it has lulled unsuspecting Christians into dangerous territory; those who REFUSE to read their Bibles for the life preserver it is.
10 virgins parable reminds me of this heresy. Those without oil (the Word of God) won’t make it. In the meantime I’m preparing my household for some VERY hard times just around the bend.
And several times scripture states, “Those who endure til the end shall be saved.”
True Christians, our time has come. Suit up, the battle is fierce, but the GOOD news! Spoiler alert: Jesus Christ has already won the battle.
We are going home soon, but hang on as the most exciting times are upon us now as Christians are being branded as troublemaking idiots that MUST be stopped (so was Apostle Paul).
Camps anyone? Yep buz talk currently circulating on USA concentration camps for rebellious types that refuse the vaccine. Doesn’t this concern anyone? Mark my words, Christians and Jews will be rounded up one of these days in the not so distant future.
Exciting times!!!
The Pretrib belief is not taught in the Bible as eschatology, but no one seems to ever mention f outhe fact that it is in direct contradiction with the doctrine of salvation. We are saved by grace through faith, yes, but how exactly does that faith save us? Faith unites us with Christ through the Spirit. Having believed we are marked in Him. Through this union of our spirit with the Spirit of Christ we become identified with Him. We become His Body, and therefore, His death becomes our death and His resurrection will become ours also. He is the vehicle, or the ark of salvation. A person is saved by being in Him. Yet Pretribbers teach that after He removes His Body, multitudes, including Israel, will be saved apart from Him. They will not be part of His Body which has been crucified with Him and raised up with Him. They will not be made new creations in Him, but will remain in the old creation, in Adam, and under a curse. It is ONLY in Christ that we become a new creation, and that because we have died with Him and are raised up with Him.