To download your free copies, go to http://www.teachingfaith.com/ The-Last-Days-EBooks
The Last Day Series Volume 1-15 is an in-depth informative teaching because it requires going through many different scriptures and books of the Bible to restore to the subject the clarity and sense of understanding we should have from a scriptural viewpoint.
Some of the topics in this 2232-page study will be covering subjects such as:
• The history of current prophecy preaching: where it came from; how we got it; who were some of the principle contributors behind it; and why it is still being taught and preached today. We never hear anything taught about that. So, we will be covering the history of prophecy preaching.
• A detailed look at the 70 Weeks.
• This series covers all types of timelines which are unique. I will be preaching on “time, times and a half.” I know what you think about timelines and what they may mean because I know what the traditional prophetic preaching has been for the last several hundred years. It has stuck like Crazy Glue. You just cannot remove it. Wait until you hear where it came from!
• The Two Witnesses: Most of the teaching that is preached out there, if not all of it, has defined the two witnesses as either Elijah and Moses or Elijah and Enoch because these men each have the reputation of not dying. Are you sure the Two Witnesses means some combination of two men out of those three options? Where in God’s Word does it say it is going to be those two figures? It is more hearsay than fact.
• The Two-horned Beast
• The Mark of the Beast
• The Abomination of Desolation. This series lays out where and when it happened by using both secular and biblical history.
• The Olive Trees and the Candlesticks; and how the current definition of those trees and candlesticks have also missed the mark.
• Anti-Christ and what it could be, or who it could be.
• The False Prophet
• Where the United States, England, and Israel occur within prophecy and their relationship.
• The Great Tribulation
• This series reviews secular history alongside biblical history to prove out timelines, the events that have already happened, and when things are going to be taking place.
Plus, much more…
To download your free copies, go to http://www.teachingfaith.com/ The-Last-Days-EBooks
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Faith Cometh By Hearing
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